Monday, March 21, 2011

My Little Peanut

Lucy and I went to the doctor this morning for a weight check -- last month, at her 9 month well child visit, we found out she'd lost a little weight due to being sick with a cold, so the doc wanted to make sure she was back on track.  Well, she's gained a whole pound in the last month!!  The doctor was really impressed.  She's 17 lb, 8 oz, which puts her in the 25th percentile for weight, and 29 inches long (the 75th percentile).

I don't know how moms of bigger babies do it - I get so tired carrying her around for more than a few minutes, and she's a peanut!  Then again, I have not set foot in a gym for close to a year now, so that could have something to do with it.  I think finding a gym with a baby care facility might be next on my to-do list...

Random thoughts... I'm blogging from our local coffee shop just down the street from our house.  Lucy and I come here so often we are regulars (they usually have my drink ready by the time I get to the counter), and we both really enjoy it.  When Lucy was younger, she would sleep in her carseat more often than not; now those days are gone, but I occupy her with teething biscuits and toys while I read/blog/drink coffee.  Back then I would have a good hour or so, and now it's down to about 20 minutes before she gets too fidgety.  Before long, I won't be able to lug her inside in her carseat anymore.  I will miss these days.  But I'm also really excited for warmer weather, going on walks in the stroller, and taking her places like the park, library, and zoo.  I can't wait for summer!!


  1. Awww she is a peanut! Love that you have a blog :)

  2. I am so frustrated with blogger!!!! I posted a long comment, and it just deleted it when I tried to post!

  3. OK, here we go again. You are getting a good handle on the important things in life--Living in the Moment. I promise you you will never regret it. Last night we saw the stage play, Mamma Mia (better than the film IMO), and there was a song where the Mom remembered her daughter as a child, and I promise you I almost lost it. Now I have to remember that I am also called to Live in the Moment and not in the woulda shoulda coulda....although nostalgia has its beautiful moments. It's kind of a Lenten reflection on the brevity of life. The Lord is calling us to TRUST him and letting us know that we are heir to eternal life, and it's all going to be GLORIOUS and everything will be ok--our ashes turned to beauty, sinners forgiven, the years that the locusts have eaten restored to us. Oh, and as Lucy gets older, you can take coloring books to the coffee shop, and toys (remember the My Little Ponies?). I don't mean at all to sound like Pollyanna or to make you feel guilty. It's work and sometimes frustrating, and that's perfectly ok. You are a great mom. And I love your blog! And going to the library for story of my happiest memories. We went wherever we were...Athens, St. Louis, Iowa City.
