Saturday, March 26, 2011

Church Craziness

Whenever we take Lucy places, or have friends come visit, people comment on how she is such a "calm", "laid back", "well behaved" (and so on) baby.

These are, obviously, not the same people who go to church with us on a weekly basis.

Tonight we took her to Mass and she was ALL OVER the place - squirming, trying to get out of my arms and climb on the pews, trying to climb into to her car seat and pull herself to standing (the car seat is wobbly so I couldn't let her do that), trying to touch the lady in the pew ahead of us, blowing raspberries, protesting loudly at being held, and generally being a pain in the butt (albeit a very cute one).  I know she was tired, so that didn't help matters, but I couldn't do anything to hold her attention.  I think (in fact I know) I am more distracted by her than anyone else, but I always feel like we're putting on a little unwelcome show.

During Mass I noticed a family with six older children (the youngest was probably 9 or 10) a few pews ahead of us.  As we were leaving, the mother turned around and smiled knowingly, saying "don't you just love it?  That's typical."

I have to say, at the moment I don't love it, but it's good to know that some day she will be young lady who can actually sit still for longer than 10 seconds!


  1. Nic--yesterday at Mass at the Lifeteen mass there was a young couple with 5 kids, and one on the way--I don't know how they do it! I so much want to ask them but don't want to be rude. Mom and Dad seemed to have a good handle on it, and as they were leaving they had one of those super-size family vans. The kids seem very calm.....but it's all in the perception, I imagine! I wish you could talk with them...I've visited with that mom in the past; when she had a couple of kids, and she seems so nice; she's about your age, but it's hard to tell when you're in your 20s or 30s.

  2. And I remember at Covenant with you two....when the rule was at age 6 the kids must sit in Church with the family and I was thinking NO THEY'RE NOT READY!!!!
