Saturday, June 18, 2011

Busy Summer!

Things have been getting very busy with more hours at work and starting my master's paper!  Busy but good.  Which leaves less time for blog posting, but it's been awhile so I want to put up a few new pictures of the munchkin - my toddler, but still my baby!

Now that she has FOUR teeth (we thought the top two might never come in!) she has her very own little toothbrush, and she loves "brushing" her teeth before bedtime.  It's the cutest thing ever...really, she just kind of bites on the brush, but she knows when it's time to "brush teeth", and she likes to watch me as I brush mine at the same time.  Her mini toothbrush is adorable - just the right size for her.

We try to get outside as much as possible, with the weather being so nice, and she loves her stroller rides.  (She apparently doesn't love the pigtail quite as much, as she pulled it out tonight after we went out for dinner.  I hope she doesn't start doing that every time, because I think it is so cute!  But I'm sure she will.)

Lucy's new friend, Stride to Ride Dinosaur (the seat pushes together so she can eventually ride on it).  She loves pushing it all around the yard!

Helping Daddy with the wheelbarrow!

And finally, because I am just so excited that I've actually grown something in the garden (I am not known for my green thumb around here...) - TOMATOES!  I just can't wait to eat these when they are ripe...homegrown tomatoes make you wonder why you'd ever buy them in the store!


  1. Love these photos! Such big brown eyes. I told Dad to check your blog for the beautiful "father" memories. Hope your cold is better. We got back from China and got Lucy some things....tell her not to grow too fast! ;)

  2. what a cute little "up-do"! She's getting so big, and so are your tomatoes... jealous! Hope to see you 3 soon!
