Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Growing and Exploring

Our little Lucy is growing up so quickly before our eyes!  Almost 17 months already!  Here are a few of her latest (and cutest!) toddler skills and antics:

She says one and two-word phrases, and is generally quite chatty, especially while at home.  One of her recent favorite phrases is "upanddown", which she says when she wants to be picked up.  This is because she always wants to get down very shortly after being picked up, so Ryan and I often jokingly say "up and down, up and down" when we pick her up.  Of course now she is confused...poor kid.  (She also calls my makeup bag, which I let her play with, "makeupon" because I always tell her "Mama's going to put her makeup on".)

She loves music and dancing, and constantly sings and babbles to songs like "Twinkle Twinkle", "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "ABC's" and "Wheels on the Bus".  When I sing a song she really loves, such as songs from library Storytime, she immediately responds with "again!" and keeps saying it until I sing the song again ("GEN! GEN! GEN!")  As you can imagine, for Mama and Dada this gets old pretty quickly.  She is one persistent child.

Her latest fascinations include Elmo, balls, cars, airplanes, and anything that goes "beep", and the moon. She wants to go outside and see "Moon" every night, and is disappointed if it's hidden by clouds or not visible.  Oh and by the way, we are borrowing a fabulous Elmo costume (thank you Everett!!!) for Halloween this year... shhhhh...don't tell Lucy yet.

Yesterday, after I picked her up from Karen's, it was raining outside and still pretty warm... instead of just rushing inside to feed her dinner, I decided to let her play in the driveway in the rain for awhile -- she LOVED it.  We sang "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring..." and caught raindrops on our hands and arms.  "Rain-ee, rain-ee" she sang, dancing and holding out her arms.  After dinner, she got down and said "rain-ee!" but I told her it was too dark and almost bedtime.  This morning I was recounting our adventures to Ryan, and of course Lucy overheard - "rain-ee!" she shouted and went to the door.  Sorry to disappoint again, kiddo.  If only we could conjure up these elements of nature - the moon and the rain - whenever we wanted to play with them.

A couple days ago, she was playing with her stuffed puppy Violet.  She layed Violet on the carpet, and for whatever reason thought it would be fun to "cover" her up with kleenexes, taken one at a time from the box in her room.  She went back and forth about 8 times (8 kleenexes on top of Violet) before Mama decided we'd better save the rest for more *ahem* practical applications. That boring old Mama...

One thing's for certain - this little toddler of ours never stops moving, exploring, learning, growing, or making us laugh and smile. We are so thankful for all these little moments and adorable new skills.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Look Who's Growing!

This weekend, we got Lucy a new car seat since she is getting close to the limit (22 lb.) on her infant seat.  I like the new one a lot - the Evenflo Triumph - and I think Lucy does, too!  She loved trying it out, even though I couldn't get her to sit still long enough for a good picture.

Eventually, we'll get a second one for my car, but for now I'm keeping the infant seat in there since she still fits in it, and Daddy's car has the new seat.  No more lugging the infant seat in and out of the house!

Since she is now walking (and almost running) all over the place, I took her to Stride Rite for her first pair of "real" shoes (versus the soft Robeez which I still prefer for indoors).  The people there were SO helpful, sizing her feet and making sure she got just the right fit, but big enough that she won't outgrow them too quickly.  She's a 4.5 already - I thought she was only 3, but I guess I was wrong!

As Ryan and I were playing with our growing toddler the other evening - rather, as we watched her prance around the living room, climb on chairs, and carry toys around - we remembered how, just a few short months ago (or so it seems) we'd hold her on our laps and she'd just lay there and look up at us.  Ryan would make goofy faces at her, and she'd do the same - only 3 months old and already a social butterfly.  She mimics us still, only now it's words and songs and other grown-up big kid things.  Then we could hold her and rock her whenever we wanted to (which, looking back, wasn't enough).  Now she will give us hugs and kisses willingly, but only on her own terms, aka when she feels like slowing down.  Which also isn't enough.  If you know this child, she very rarely slows down.

Lucy, I love you dearly from your curly hair and big brown eyes down to your little toddling feet, but it's okay if you don't want to grow up quite so fast... really, it is.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

First Haircut!

Today was a big day for little Lucy... this morning we went out to breakfast with some friends, and this afternoon we took her to get her first haircut!  Her bangs have been getting in her eyes for quite awhile, so we decided it was time for a trim, and decided to indulge by going to a kids' hair salon for the first cut.  (Next time we'll probably take our nanny up on her offer to do the trimming...Mommy's not so confident in her hair-cutting ability...)

Lucy did really well, only getting upset at the very end mostly because little pieces of hair were itching her nose.  Before the cut, she wandered all over the waiting room playing with overpriced toys for sale a bouncy ball and school bus and charming the salon staff.

Enjoy the pictures. :)

Before...hair still in ponytail

Wild and crazy hair!!

First cut... this is kinda fun!

This is serious business.

Lookin' good!

I know you want me to smile...but this is getting old, Mom...

All done!!


Sporting my new 'do after a bath (I rubbed ravioli in my hair!)

New 'do and new dipe!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Finally!  I realize it's been WAY too long since I've posted here... the summer is really getting away from me!  I can't believe it's almost August... I've been busy working more hours and also writing my master's paper, which will be finished in TWO WEEKS (although I really can't believe it now).  In other words, it's crunch time.  Some extra prayers and good paper-writing vibes would be much appreciated. :)

I'm working with the older kids at work, for the summer camp program which basically involves 2 or 3 field trips a week...lots of fun!  In addition to getting paid to go to fun places and shows (water park, arcade, caves, Twins game coming up) we saw an amazing performance by Circus Juventas, a local performing circus school for youth.  They apparently have classes for kids beginning at age 3, and Lucy does love hanging upside down. hmmmm....

As much as I love my job, and even (reluctantly) sort of enjoy working on the paper, by the end of the day I miss my little girl like crazy!!!  I do wish I was spending more time with her this summer.  But I know she loves her nanny (in-home daycare, but she only watches one other toddler so I think of her more like a nanny).  And in two weeks I'll have more time with her in the mornings!

Have I mentioned this is the LAST paper I'll ever have to write?!  Crazy.

This little panda came all the way from China to play with Lucy!  (Thank you, Mimi and Granddad!!)

In other Lucy news... she is now walking all over the place, as in ALL over the place - I don't even count her steps anymore!  She still falls a lot but it barely phases her - she wants to walk so badly she just gets up and keeps going.  She's also talking quite a bit, with new words popping up almost every day.  Here's a list of the ones I can think of at the moment:
Ball ("bahw")
Walrus (one of her bath squirty toys...lol)
Bum (lol...and she points to her bottom...oh dear)

We can't believe how fast she's growing, and how independent she's become just in the last few weeks...she is such a little toddler!  We're planning to go get her hair cut (just the bangs in front) next weekend, because they're really getting in the way.  I've been putting it off but I think it's time.

On the cloth diapering front, things are going pretty well... actually, I'm only trying it out on the weekends, but would like to do it more often if I'm able to - maybe in the fall when I don't have as many work hours.  The Flip diapers work really well - I had a few leaks at first until I figured out the sizing.  I also got one Oh Katy diaper to try it out, and I love it - it fits great on her because the leg elastic is small enough that there's no gaping.  So we'll see what happens...maybe more cloth diapering in Lucy's future, or maybe for future children, or maybe not at all if I get overwhelmed with trying to dump poop in the toilet. lol  But really, I know it's better for the environment and probably better for Lucy's little bum.  So we'll see. :)

We just got back from an overnight trip to Iowa, to visit Lucy's Great Grandma (Ryan's grandma) Char - we had a great time, ate lots of great food and too many sweets, and even took Lucy to the small county fair to see some horses, chickens, sheep, and yes, even a zebra.  She smiled at the animals but was tired out of her mind, from refusing a nap after sleeping only 30 min. on the car trip.  Thankfully she slept well all night!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Daddy and Me

Watching Lucy with her Daddy is one of my absolute favorite parts of motherhood.  When I see them play together, as they do often, my heart melts:  Ryan is so good with his daughter, and head over heels in love with her.  He is silly, and tender, and playful, and I know he would do anything for his little girl. Just another reason I love my husband so much. :)

We didn't do too much for Father's Day (Ryan's second!) this year...went to church, ran some errands, did some baking (okay, well Ryan baked the muffins I was going to bake but kept putting off...and they were SO good!).  Since my own dad is across the world in China, at a conference for work, I missed him and didn't even get a chance to say "Happy Father's Day".  I have so many happy memories of my dad from growing up, and as I watch Lucy and Ryan together I think about the future and the memories that she will build with him.  I wish her lots and lots of them.  Here are just a few of my own best memories growing up with Dad:

--Making big piles of leaves in the fall and jumping in them together
--Going on a hot air balloon ride
--Going to GA Football games
--Dancing to the oldies, like Buddy Holly and the Beach Boys
--Planting vegetables in the "Girls' Garden" (Dad was only boy allowed) :)
--Walking to school ("First Year") together in England, and walking to elementary school in Athens
--Learning to ride a bike
--Daddy-daughter camping and hiking trips
--Traveling to Germany, Mexico, and England
--Going to breakfast at IHOP before early-morning AP study sessions

And so, so many more!!!  Thank you, Dad, for being so involved in my life and for being such an awesome father.  A very happy belated Father's Day.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Busy Summer!

Things have been getting very busy with more hours at work and starting my master's paper!  Busy but good.  Which leaves less time for blog posting, but it's been awhile so I want to put up a few new pictures of the munchkin - my toddler, but still my baby!

Now that she has FOUR teeth (we thought the top two might never come in!) she has her very own little toothbrush, and she loves "brushing" her teeth before bedtime.  It's the cutest thing ever...really, she just kind of bites on the brush, but she knows when it's time to "brush teeth", and she likes to watch me as I brush mine at the same time.  Her mini toothbrush is adorable - just the right size for her.

We try to get outside as much as possible, with the weather being so nice, and she loves her stroller rides.  (She apparently doesn't love the pigtail quite as much, as she pulled it out tonight after we went out for dinner.  I hope she doesn't start doing that every time, because I think it is so cute!  But I'm sure she will.)

Lucy's new friend, Stride to Ride Dinosaur (the seat pushes together so she can eventually ride on it).  She loves pushing it all around the yard!

Helping Daddy with the wheelbarrow!

And finally, because I am just so excited that I've actually grown something in the garden (I am not known for my green thumb around here...) - TOMATOES!  I just can't wait to eat these when they are ripe...homegrown tomatoes make you wonder why you'd ever buy them in the store!

Friday, June 3, 2011

TV Debut

The day has finally come -- Lucy made her silver screen debut on her birthday!

Check it out here!

As Ryan says, we are still waiting for Hollywood to call back.  (Surely they can't resist such a cute face?!)