Eventually, we'll get a second one for my car, but for now I'm keeping the infant seat in there since she still fits in it, and Daddy's car has the new seat. No more lugging the infant seat in and out of the house!
Since she is now walking (and almost running) all over the place, I took her to Stride Rite for her first pair of "real" shoes (versus the soft Robeez which I still prefer for indoors). The people there were SO helpful, sizing her feet and making sure she got just the right fit, but big enough that she won't outgrow them too quickly. She's a 4.5 already - I thought she was only 3, but I guess I was wrong!
As Ryan and I were playing with our growing toddler the other evening - rather, as we watched her prance around the living room, climb on chairs, and carry toys around - we remembered how, just a few short months ago (or so it seems) we'd hold her on our laps and she'd just lay there and look up at us. Ryan would make goofy faces at her, and she'd do the same - only 3 months old and already a social butterfly. She mimics us still, only now it's words and songs and other grown-up big kid things. Then we could hold her and rock her whenever we wanted to (which, looking back, wasn't enough). Now she will give us hugs and kisses willingly, but only on her own terms, aka when she feels like slowing down. Which also isn't enough. If you know this child, she very rarely slows down.
Lucy, I love you dearly from your curly hair and big brown eyes down to your little toddling feet, but it's okay if you don't want to grow up quite so fast... really, it is.